Which do you prefer when you decide not to cook at home? Did you know that we have a similar choice when it comes to our faith? More than we realize, we opt for a dine-in approach to our spiritual life when it’s meant to be something we take out of the church building. Join us in-person or online for a new series called “For Here or To Go?”, where we’ll discover the purpose and power of a portable faith.
Instead of gathering together in our buildings on October 3 and 6, we will gather throughout our community to bring hope and encouragement to our neighbors. Join us in Loving First by being the church in our community. Sign up for a local serve opportunity at the link below, or if you’re out of town, check out a list of options you can do wherever you are.
We believe there is no greater love than Jesus’ unconditional love for us. As we receive His love, our natural response will be to share that love with others. This is the example He set and the mission He has called us to.
Led by Pastor Jonathan Robbins, The Summit is a non-denominational church in the Triad of North Carolina with locations in Kernersville and Oak Ridge. Join us in person at one of our locations, join us online, or learn more about us below.
Safe and engaging environments support your family through every stage of your child's growth.
Find your people and share the love in your community.
Partner with others in prayer and join the mission to love first.
We believe prayer changes us, and things too.
We give because Jesus has given so much.