
We give because Jesus has given so much. When you give to The Summit, your money doesn’t just stay here. Especially during times of crisis, we work hard to partner with local organizations to serve and share the love of Jesus with our community and beyond.


Your generosity and giving are changing lives in the following ways:

  • Education: As a partner with our local schools, we provide parents and teachers with the support and resources they need to ensure all students are successful at learning and have hope for the future.

  • Poverty: To see the hope of the Gospel take root, we partner locally and globally with agencies that address poverty in all its forms.

  • A place to call home: Whether addressing homelessness, foster care, refugee resettlement, or providing assistance to those in crisis, we partner with agencies to help people find a place to call home.

  • Digital access: Through our online platforms, we share the good news of Jesus with those facing incarceration, those unconnected to a local church, or simply those seeking hope.

  • Family ministries: By providing safe environments where they can grow in their love and understanding of Jesus, we invest in the future of the next generation.

  • Community outreach: Our team works with community leaders in areas such as healthcare, first responders, senior services, and more to make our communities a place where everyone experiences the love of Jesus.

  • The local church: Our goal is to support church plants domestically and globally so that Jesus' love can be shared worldwide.

Frequently Asked Questions

First and foremost, giving is an act of faith and obedience. The first ten percent of our income goes back to God, the Giver of everything. He uses these gifts to further His Kingdom’s purpose here on earth, but by giving God our first and our best in an area so important to us, the most amazing thing to happen takes place in our own lives.

Learn more in this 4 week series called “Count On It”, where Pastor Jonathan fully explains the “Why” behind giving as it relates to the money issues we all experience.

The Summit Church is 1 church with multiple locations. Financial giving from each location is combined to resource the central operating and ministry needs of our church. However, when you give online or mail in your gift, please designate which location you attend so that we can keep accurate records.


Give Online

For a one-time gift or recurring gifts, we recommend using the Give Online option. Gifts may be made using an account draft or Discover, Visa or MasterCard. (We strongly discourage going into debt through credit cards as a means to give). Please note, the amount we receive will be approximately 1.85% lower than the amount specified due to online processing fees. Recurring gifts can be scheduled weekly, every two weeks, monthly, or the 1st and 15th monthly. Click here to give online to a general fund or here to give online to a building fund.


The Summit Church App

Mobile giving is secure and easy with The Summit Church APP. The APP allows for one time gifts for guests. From your mobile device download it from your App Store. Download for iOS. Download for Android.



Gifts can be placed in the giving envelopes provided at our weekly services. These envelopes, in turn, can be placed in one of the giving boxes located throughout our facilities. Or simply mail your donation to The Summit Church office: 4440 High Point Rd, Kernersville, NC, 27284.


Banking Bill Pay

Most financial institutions offer their customers the ability to make a donation through the bank’s online banking website, via your online bill pay. These payments can be set up like the payment for any other bill you might have and can be made as a one time gift or recurring payment.



For non-cash gifts such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds, or land, please contact our finance office and we will walk you through the process. Email or call 336-769-1966 x11.

Three Month Giving Challenge

Three Month Giving Challenge

Ready to take your financial giving to the next level? Join us for the Three Month Giving Challenge. Make your commitment today!


Fiscal Year Budget

Give Online

We give because Jesus has given so much.

Give to The Summit Church

Stay Connected

The Summit Church App is the best way to stay connected.

Download The Summit Church App